Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Flick: Modern Gems

Hauntingly beautiful music? Check. Black and white drama? Check. Fine jewelry? Check. Am I in love? Yes.
Check out this video from Elle featuring fine jewelry and dramatic posing. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Ever since I read this piece from WWD about, a new jewelry web site, I've been poking around to see what it has to offer. While I still don't like shopping for jewelry on-line because I can't touch it and see specific details, the site does offer a range of reasonably-priced costume jewelry that I wouldn't feel too guilty if I bought a piece and it didn't turn out to be what I expected.

Two things struck me about this site - the content above the fold and the expiration dates of the products. The site takes full advantage of its press coverage and mentions right before the fold so shoppers take notice and stay on the page. A smart move on behalf of the site's creator, and something that other new shopping sites should follow. The site also has expiration dates on its products. Items that are in the "Trend Collection" are only available until certain dates - the "Mixed Metal Bangle" trend is available until March 21 and "Fringe Benefits" until April 6. This makes the site feel more exclusive and similar to a flash sale, thus making customers want to buy now, not later. Both are smart business moves that strive to keep the customer on the site and shopping.

Now onto the jewelry itself. There's a good range of delicate everyday jewelry to chunky cocktail baubles and the prices are pretty solid, but there aren't any designer names or brands listed. The items can either be good quality or street vendor quality and be wary of knockoffs, like this wrap bracelet that is strikingly similar to Chan Luu's signature wrap bracelets.

The site's business oriented structure is a smart move but I'd rather spend my money elsewhere for a brand name that offers some legitimacy to the jewelry sold on the site.
Chan Luu

Monday, February 21, 2011

Interesting Read: Gaia Repossi: High Jewelry’s New IngĂ©nue

I just stumbled onto this profile and Q&A from Elle. I'm a bit late but nonetheless, it's a great article on an iconic house and sort of what I tend to go for in my student designer profiles. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Designer Spotlight: Brigitta Stoner

Brigitta Stoner, a senior jewelry and metal smithing major in the College of Visual and Performing Arts here at SU, was recently named one of 12 VPA Scholars, the school's highest undergraduate academic honor. The school's top seniors majoring in art, design and transmedia; communication and rhetorical studies; drama; and music were selected based on their academics, portfolio, and service to the college and community. The scholars will be recognized during VPA's annual convocation on March 14.

I caught up with the Aaronsburg, PA native in the jewelry studio to chat about her inspirations and future plans. Click through the slideshow to see some of Stoner's amazing work!

Q: Why or how did you get into jewelry making?
A: I have been making jewelry since elementary school. For years it was just simple beaded jewelry and to be honest, I think I liked collecting the beads more than stringing them together. Then when applying to college, I decided to pursue jewelry and metalsmithing with no knowledge of what it entailed. It still surprises me that I found what I love to do based on an impulsive decision. I guess it goes to show that your instinct is usually right.

Q: What inspires you?
A: Inspiration can come from anything at anytime. Mostly it's the natural world that provides my inspiration. A lot of breakthroughs happen for me when I'm taking a walk outside. Memories from my childhood in the countryside are also a huge theme in my work. But really, I can be inspired by anything. A painting, a beautiful book, an interesting film, or even conversation can spark some creative thought. Every inspiration may not appear in a final piece but it's all recorded either somewhere in a sketchbook or in my mind.

Q:  What is your favorite type of jewelry to make?
A: Right now brooches are my favorite things to make. There is something sweet and nostalgic about a brooch.

Q: You interned at Lucky during your winter break, what did you think of the experience?
A: Lucky was an eye opener for me. I never worked for a company with more than six employees before so it was really interesting to learn how a large business operates and to see so many people working together for one goal. I was working in the accessories department which meant I got to see a lot of jewelry and learn a bit about production jewelry. I am so fortunate to have had the experience.

Q:  Any future plans?
A: For the immediate future I'm planning my senior show, an exhibition of my jewelry. (The time, date, and location are TBA.) After graduation in May, my plans are less clear. I plan to be in graduate school in two to three years for a Master's of Fine Arts in jewelry. In the meantime, I'm trying to find meaningful work to fill those in-between years. I'm planning on continuing my jewelry work and I would love to work for another artist.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Flick: Alexis Bittar

One of my favorite jewelry designers and best of all, it's all designed and hand-made in Brooklyn. Told you we're awesome.