Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Newsworthy: Solange Expands, Syz Returns to NYC, and Dominic Turns to Clothes

WWD || Solange Azagury-Patridge's London shop has moved after 15 years from Westbourne Grove to Bond Street. But that's not all - Azagury-Patridge has plans to open shops in LA and Singapore. What'll cost more - a gorgeous Solange jewel or a round trip to London? ..actually, who cares?? Both would be worth every penny!

WWD || Geneva-based jeweler Suzanne Syz has returned back to her 80's roots and has come back to NYC to present an exhibition aptly titled “City Lights” at the Marianne Boesky Gallery on East 64th Street. Time to book a bus ticket back to NYC. (Is it just me or is WWD having a field day with jewelry shops and exhibits in cities that I am incredibly far from?) 

Style.com || Jeweler designer, Dominic Jones, is now designing clothes and shooting them badass Brit model, Alice Dellal. Seriously, where's my ticket to London?

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